Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why does Sanger Lawn Care Plus professionally stripe lawns?
A: While it’s true that stripes cause the lawn to stand out above the rest, great looks aren’t the only         reason it’s done. Most turf types cannot handle the heat. The process of striping the lawn causes the grass blades to bend. This bending casts a cooling shade on the underlying root system, which, in turn, creates healthier grass.
 Q: When is the best time to seed my lawn?
A: It is a common belief that seeding should be done in the spring because that is the time most things come to life; however, this is incorrect for some types of grass. Fescue is a cool season grass and needs to be planted in the fall.
There is a small window for proper seeding. If the lawn is seeded too early, grass will begin to grow, but be killed by the heat. If the lawn is seeded too late, the grass will most likely be killed by extreme cold. Contact Sanger Lawn Care Plus for more seeding advice specific to your lawn.
 Q: What do I need to know about lawn aeration?
A: I highly recommend aerating the lawn when over seeding in the fall, or for healthier Bermuda growth in the spring. Aeration creates easy pathways for moisture and oxygen to travel to the root system. Other primary benefits include softened soil for root development and rotation of the top few inches of soil.
There are two types of aeration. The first makes small slits in the ground which, in my professional opinion, doesn’t do anything for the turf. The best alternative is core aeration. Core aeration takes 1 inch in diameter plugs of soil (about 2-4 inches deep) and disperses them. The soil plugs then break down throughout your lawn. After two or three weeks, the grass will be much healthier and the look of your yard will have greatly improved.
Do you have a question about lawn care? Call or email Sanger Lawn Care Plus for expert advice!
                                                  Sanger Lawn Care Plus, LLC
FAQ                                           502-817-0986